Quality management
The quality of our products and services is the most important differentiating feature of our company in national and international markets and an indispensable prerequisite for maintaining our competitiveness. This includes not only product quality, but also the quality of the organisation and processes - from procurement and production to sales and then customer service. The task of our quality management system is to define necessary structures and uniform processes. It also creates the basis for continuous improvement of products, processes and the entire organisation.
For this reason, all 3 companies of the Chriwa Group are certified according to the quality management system DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (TÜV-Hessen).
Extract from approvals & memberships:
- Conformity of factory production control for load-bearing components and kits for steel structures according to EN 1090-2 (TÜV Nord).
- Welding manufacturer according to Directive 2014/68/EU, Number 3.1 and DIN EN ISO 3834 Part 3 (TÜV Nord)
- Manufacturer of pressure equipment and piping according to the regulations AD 2000-Merkblatt HP0 (TÜV Nord)
- Authorisation to restamp materials and products in accordance with the AD 2000 regulations and the Pressure Equipment Directive (TÜV Nord)
- WHG specialist company according to § 62 AwSV (TÜV Nord)
- Certificate of suitability for plastics processing according to DVS 2212-1
- Quality management DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (TÜV Hessen)
- Specialist company for electrical and control engineering
- AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) for customs simplifications / security