Deferrisation / Demanganisation
The removal of iron or manganese from water. Can be achieved by aeration or by overflowing over coke and filtration over gravel or anthracite coal.
Due to the presence of oxidised iron, water turns rusty brown. Furthermore, it produces a metallic taste and can also lead to deposits/corrosion in pipes. The drinking water ordinance also prescribes a limit value of 0.2 mg/litre, which must not be exceeded.
Our solution: Chriwa High Capacity Filtration
If your raw water contains iron and/or manganese, the Chriwa High Capacity Filtration is perfectly suited to remove these substances. Through years of know-how we have developed a system with which optimal filtration results can be achieved. First, the dissolved iron in the water is oxidised and can then be removed in a subsequent special filtration stage.
Depending on the nature of the raw water, it is also possible to use ultrafiltration.