Chriwa Group - Water matters. We care.


Chriwa offers turnkey projects for complete water treatment plants for industry. We describe the individual services in the following subpages.

Concept development

Chriwa does not design and deliver standard or mass-produced water treatment plants, but "tailor-made" plants, i.e. optimally adapted to the respective task.


Our customers are specialists worldwide in their specific production areas, which usually require a special plant engineering process design. As the demands on water quality continue to grow, so do the demands on process technology.

Construction & Design

The design planning is carried out with the latest 3D design software. This leads, among other things, to optimal space utilisation and hygienic and low dead space system designs.

Fabrication & Assembly

Made in Germany: Wir planen und fertigen Behälter und Apparate in unserem Unternehmen selbst. Die einzelnen Komponenten der Chriwa Wasser-Aufbereitungsanlagen werden im Stammwerk in Hambühren komplett vormontiert und getestet, so dass eine zügige Endmontage und Inbetriebnahme gewährleistet werden kann.

Electrics / PLC Commissioning

Experienced electrical technicians and commissioning engineers as well as continuously trained specialist staff ensure the technically flawless, on-time installation and commissioning of the water treatment plants.


During operation, our process visualisation system provides transparency for all processes and the collection of operating data. All relevant processes are mapped, logged and evaluated in various statistics.


The after-sales service department does not only see itself as a department for the support of Chriwa customers after the sale of a water treatment system, but rather supports the Chriwa philosophy of achieving the highest possible level of customer satisfaction.

Quality Management

To ensure the requirements for the quality of the products, there is a documented QMS (quality management system) in all departments.

Education & Training

An essential step in the successful installation of a water treatment plant is the training of the future operating personnel. Depending on the type and complexity of the system, the duration, content and scope of the training is tailored to the new system.

Chriwa normally carries out turnkey projects: Development, construction, installation, commissioning and process visualisation and maintenance of entire complex systems on a turnkey basis!

The services for the entire product spectrum of filtration technologies range from pre-cleaning to main filtration and downstream processes in fully automated design. Production of the tanks up to and including the pre-assembly of the plant components at our site in Germany.

In order to offer a holistic solution approach, Chriwa does not necessarily act alone. In cooperation with our sister companies CUSS and AWG, we offer solutions for the entire water cycle. We represent this approach through our Total Water Management:

Chriwa Group Total Water Management Diagram - Everything under one roof!